Monday, November 26, 2012

Never Enuff

  There's that saying that you are your worst critic. Not sure if that universally applies to everyone, let's say the egoists and such, nonetheless I'm sure it applies to a good sum of many. Its interesting how much music is apart of peoples lives these days, including my own. I've said it before and I feel it's true to an extent, and that is that music helps define us and describe us. So much that people do crazy and even stupid things just to get close to a sweaty stranger on a stage whom they know little or nothing about. Naive girls will go insane for a new boy band that doesn't sound too much different than the last one. Gullable? Maybe. It's all about the music though. 
  The song on this post is a great find. By the group Mansions, their lyrics hit the nerves and make you feel like they are singing in the same room in some songs.  I have to admit I am not so much impressed with a lot of main stream pop where "lookin good" is the aim. Raw opinion without a care for what the listeners might think is what I love. Not concerned with saving face. Mansions really capture those realities of life that come our way. Life ain't all peaches ya know, so it's refreshing hearing some real thoughts being played. A lot of times we can't and don't tell people what we are really thinking about. This group really has a talent for singing about things we are thinking about but don't say. When looking good is more important than showing who we are, I think we have a problem. Music tells the truth in perspective of the musician and in tells truth to the listener. That's the beauty of it all. It's a way to vent or talk without rebuttle, without being stopped, without a critical voice. It's one best forms of free speech in our day. 

Song:Never Enuff
Album:Best of the Bees

You stopped believe in God
So he stopped believing in you
Told you to get a real job
Those days in the sand are through
And he swears that he isn’t mad
As he quietly let him down
It’s just that he tried to believe that?
But all that you say now is
“I don’t love you like I used to 
When people talk I don’t defend you
I tried so hard 
I paid my dues
But it was never enough
I was never enough for you”
Well you made a new friend
And it tears him apart
No, you just cant pretend
That youre not breaking his heart
When he sees you out at night
He tried his best to pick a fight 
But you’ll never be his and it’s time he realized
That nothing is alright
You say
“I don’t love you like I used to 
When people talk I don’t defend you
I tried so hard 
I paid my dues
But it was never enough
I was never enough for you”
And now
“I don’t love you like I used to 
When people talk I don’t defend you
Yeah all that shit you put me through
It was never enough
I was never enough for you”
Read more at 

  It's a good thing we are all different and that we have a diversity of music to listen to. We are all so different yet we can be connected with music, the universal language. No matter who you are or where you are music makes sense, music lives on as we breathe. 


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