Monday, November 12, 2012

Show Me How to Live

  In our jobs and school etc. we have instructions, an organized way of doing something. We are always striving for the more efficient way, the best way. But living and life itself is so much more complicated. It's different for everyone, since no one person is the same. Every one has his/her unique circumstances. We are all trying to figure things out as we go. Its a game of learning, trial and error, joy, and let-down. There is no guide book for life and so it makes it so abstract and hard to understand. But hey guess what? We have music which is a great way of attempting to make sense of this world that is nonsense. 
  I feel that I do pretty well with change. After all the the only thing that is truly constant is change. But every once in a while I feel so frustrated at things that are out of my control that makes my life harder. That's why I chose this song for my post. At times it feels like we are just along for the ride in our life. The good thing is we can make our own choices to a degree. 

Artist: Placebo
Song: The Extra

  There is a lot of voices and opinions that are available to us today with all this technology so easily available to us. One of the greatest things to me is how music is a very subtle way of expressing thoughts and opinions without it becoming so controversial. Not to say that people aren't offended by certain kinds of music, but its seems to be more of a free flow of expression that I think we take for granted. Music is a powerful medium of communication and has some messages that can affect us in good and bad ways. Life without music for me seems colorless and so bland. Let's not take it for granted. 

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