Thursday, November 15, 2012


  So I was a little curious about the history of music and did a bit of research. I am sure there are more concrete answers that I have since I pulled some facts from Wikipedia, but its the idea that I am after more than the exact facts. Apparently there seems to be NO culture that we know of that doesn't have music. Pretty interesting, but not surprising. Looking at a few different sources, prehistoric music seems to have been around since 4,000 (first known song). In any case this proves a fact that music is much more than entertainment, it is a necessity to us as humans and evidently has been for centuries. Music can differ a great deal from culture to culture etc. but its everywhere. 
  One of the greatest things that we have in life is to be able to be understood and express ourselves. Music has evolved to provide us with this expression of emotion that cannot be replaced by anything else. In a way its something that I have always been able to count on. Relationships sometimes end but music has always been there. So here's and ode to music so to speak. 

Artist: I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business
Song: Connected 
Album: Gold Rush 

  In so many ways our lives are connected with music. Music affects us and can define us. It can describe us and explain us. Like a language unto itself it cannot be replaced nor can it stop. If music were to stop, I feel like a part of us as humans would die with it. Music is my best addiction. Its a necessity and it one of the most crucial forms of communication. 

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