Monday, October 22, 2012

If You Ain't Got Love?

  Sickness has its way of putting things into perspective. Just a week ago I was able to run my normal routine of getting up at 5 am for work and then classes later in the day. I could go to the gym and feel pretty strong. Then without much notice my throat hurts, I can't hold down much food and before I know it I am as useful as small child, so to speak. It just strikes me how simple things can change so much. Needless to say I am more grateful for being well now and don't take for granted some of the great things in life like my food tasting good again or my throat not hurting constantly. Although responsibility doesn't get sick or take a break unfortunately so I have found myself getting somewhat stressed on top of being sick and not recovering near as fast as I want or need. So, in the midst of this I decided that sometimes we focus too much on the things that aren't as important. I mean, yeah I have to make sure that I am responsible so that I can succeed. That is obvious, but at least my state of mind can be better. 
  So this morning when I woke up (and am still sick) I decided to just appreciate the moment with my new wife before she left for work. And it made everything feel better. I still have just as much to do, but the load seemed lighter. So I was reminded of a great song by one of the greatest song writers I know of, Mason Jennings, who has a song called "If You Ain't Got Love?" 

Artist: Mason Jennings
Song: If You Ain't Got Love
Album: Boneclouds

  Best video I found to upload. Hopefully you get the gist. Mason Jennings has such a talent for capturing the simple and most important things in life. One of favorite touches to this song is how he ends it with
   Someday, someday soon
    You and I both be gone
     But lately, I can't help but think
    That the love we feel will live on

What do you got if you ain't got love?


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