Friday, December 14, 2012

  I mostly just want to make this blog post to share a great song/band. There are few bands that I don't ever get sick of, and the smashing pumpkins are one of those. Their poetic lyrics, versatile sound, and unique vocals (ie Billy Corgan) make for an unforgettable sound that I always come back to. Billy Corgan's lyrics although may seem dark dreary always seem to connect with me. Its almost like he is stripping himself naked emotionally every song. He isn't out to make a buck, but it always seems to be about the music and the emotion involved. 

Artist:Smashing Pumpkins
Song:Set the Ray to Jerry
Album: Rotten Apples

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Whose Gonna Love You When Your Looks Are Gone

  Over the weekend I have some experiences that have brought some things into perspective. I find it so easy to lose focus on what really is important to me personally. In other words, the things to me that mean the most that bring purpose and substance in life. The things that give me motivation to go to work and school and such. We are inundated with so much materialism and worrying. People can worry so much about appearance and reputation. Not to say that they don't hold any value, but that it is too much of a priority. Regardless of what someone may believe or what they choose to do in life,  a constant need for all humankind is the need to relationships. We seem to whither if we do not have healthy relationships. Its a must. But, we can lose focus of this when certain things, such as materialism, power, wealth, work, whatever shape or form it may be (which is different for everyone) comes between what we need and what we want. When short term things get in the way of our potentially lasting relationships we have a problem. So I have this great song that helps me to remember that I need to give most of my attention to those who are dear to me and not the "whatever" that has potential to pull me away from those I don't want to lose. My song selection comes from a classic musician Paul Simon. The song is called outrageous. 

Artist: Paul Simon

  So when you are old and everything from your life that has transpired moves like a motion picture in your head, hopefully you will be able remember all the good people in your life. I would hope that we can learn to place more value in the way that we treat the ones that we love, than the money in our pocket or even seemingly great accomplishments. Its our relationships that bring us the most happiness at least that's what I have found in my life. Knowledge and actual things don't bring the same feeling of being connected and close to those we love. Besides, "whose gonna love you when you're looks are gone."

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Keepin Up and Saving Face

  It may be strange to some why a Mormon kid like me would post this next song, but it happens to be one that I just love to listen to. I consider myself to be pretty tolerant and open-minded no matter who they may be or what they believe. Given my background and upbringing I have seen things in people that I admire and look to as a prototype of what to become or incorporate in my life. I guess that's what we all do to an extent, we pull different qualities from what we see and adopt them. Either that or we make a mental note to self to never become like that son of B*%$#, ha. I find it wise to be somewhat of an observer of those around me and try not to be biased or prejudice or anything in those categories. Isn't that hard for people to do? Lets face it, we are a people of judgment. With most it seems to be some of the first thoughts that just come second nature. First impressions are powerful. Which, if you ask me is not only inaccurate, but unrealistic. First few seconds of meeting someone and just like that we write people off as weird, a creep, and all the other messed up things we can fill the blanks in that we think of one another. 
  I like to be liked and such, but then some of us go to great lengths to save face and make sure we are "lookin good" even if means we are faking it. Are we so ridiculous that we can't see past all this... how do you say it? Bullshit. In my upbringing I have seen my share of fakeness and it seems to be an epidemic that spreads like a silent killer. I know that for the sake of being polite we aren't always going to be 100% honest, all I am saying is that you have those who you can tell are judging you based on small first impressions. In this society keeping up appearances seems to be pulling ahead of being sincere and being ourselves. 
  My main point is that we can be more tolerant, a little more understanding and not be so haughty about what "we" are. We should be thinking and focusing on figuring out "who" people are and understanding them. Arrogance, self-righteousness and saving face needs to take the back seat. There are great lessons and great people we can get to know by being more open-minded. Anyhow, this song help put into perspective what the effects are sometimes when we care too much about how we are looking rather than a human being in front of us that we can learn something from. 

Artist: A Perfect Circle
Song: The Noose
Album: Thirteenth Step