Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What kind of life would we have if we had no music? Music gives us so much to connect with and stimulates our imagination to cope with the daily routine of our lives. A coach might give his/her player the advice to "keep your head in the game." So I give the advice to keep your head in the music. Music helps me to cope with life and enjoy life to see the positive side of things. I will post a song weekly and give a brief description or insight to the artist or song. 
Song- The Sky is Falling 
Album- Alchemy Index
  Thrice is one of my favorite artists. They grip some of the most poignant challenges of life. This song although may have different meanings, mainly focuses on our fear and how we have a choice not to fear, yet it's a struggle and a battle to not let fear overcome us. We can let the fear "fuel the hate machine," or decide to not let the fear "decide our fate."

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