Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why Music?

In our world of harsh reality and things to do sometimes life seems so bland and monotonous. Often I hear the saying, "life sucks and then you die." Personally I make a point not to say that even though we all know that it does sometimes. Case in point; Last week as I was getting pulled over by an animal control policeman, (yes, they can pull you over, lesson learned) I was thinking some pretty choice things about life and how it in fact does suck (not to mention I was literally one block from being home, so close). The reality and big picture, which I imagine to be the more positive outlook, is that life has it's suckiness and is filled with necessary evils, yet we can have fun in the journey and not take ourselves too seriously. The other great thing that we have is MUSIC. While we drive, while we walk, while we brush our teeth... maybe. I do, anyhow. So why and how does music make things so much better? Why do we listen to it all the time? Cause it sounds good and stuff? Yeah pretty much. But more than that music serves a very well-earned praise from us. It connects us. Is music a one way communication? I'm sure some would debate, but I say it's two way. We are emotional creatures who for some reason NEED and crave connectedness with one another. We are always trying to make sense of things, make sense of life and why we do what we do. I know I don't know why I do what I do sometimes. Not one of us is exactly alike in terms of being unique and individual, yet we are the same in terms of we need some sort of common ground and to be connected to one another. "Hey you like city and colour's music too? No freakin way, I do too?" 
  But that's why music is a necessity to us. It's a mass communication of connectedness (pretty sure that isn't a word, but it's my blog). We feel connected when we go see strangers at a concert. Why? they are strangers for cryin out loud, but we do. There is energy in having a same interest and we feel connected when we listen to a song that has lyrics do describe how we feel or how we have felt before. I changed the name of my blog cause I think it describes "us" as humans more accurately. We are emotional machines to some degree. 
  We have thoughts and feelings that are hard to describe sometimes. Music is a re-creation of those feelings or an interpretation of them. It's a different perspective that helps us to make sense of abstract emotions and thoughts that we go through and live each day. And of course it sounds cool and is entertaining. 
  So really, music is a communication that is so important. It helps us look at the big picture and bring life back into our daily lives. We all need to cope with stresses and demands life brings. So listen to some good tunes and relax, life isn't that bad. 

Artist: City and Colour (Dallas Green)
Song: ...Waiting
Album: Bring Me Your Love

This song pretty much speaks for itself. Its about not rushing into love and waiting even though its tough after a separation from someone. It's good to hold your head up high and not lose your head if something ends.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What kind of life would we have if we had no music? Music gives us so much to connect with and stimulates our imagination to cope with the daily routine of our lives. A coach might give his/her player the advice to "keep your head in the game." So I give the advice to keep your head in the music. Music helps me to cope with life and enjoy life to see the positive side of things. I will post a song weekly and give a brief description or insight to the artist or song. 
Song- The Sky is Falling 
Album- Alchemy Index
  Thrice is one of my favorite artists. They grip some of the most poignant challenges of life. This song although may have different meanings, mainly focuses on our fear and how we have a choice not to fear, yet it's a struggle and a battle to not let fear overcome us. We can let the fear "fuel the hate machine," or decide to not let the fear "decide our fate."